Max in Haiti

You want me to go where?

Monday, December 25, 2006

Happy Holidays

Merry Christmas / Joyeux Noel !

Happy holidays to all from Haiti!

I still haven't found a permanent place to live, but I feel that I am getting close. So I am spending Christmas day at the lovely Villa Creole hotel where I will feast on Turkey and breadfruit tonight.

I hope that you are all having a wonderful holiday and hope to hear from you soon.

p.s.: No, I do not know the Santas in this picture.


Blogger lesvieux said...

Je ne savais pas qu'il existait encore des dindes en Haiti. La derniere a du etre dans ton assiette. Et le fruit cake a du circuler pas mal aux US avant d'atterir a cote de la dinde.
Tiens nous au courant pour l'appart
A shelton Mill nan point problem comme on dit chez toi

11:19 AM  
Blogger Tim said...

Hey Max!

Thanks for keeping the blog. It's good to hear how you're doing. Stay safe and good luck with the apartment hunt. Hannah sends along her best. Take care!


8:24 AM  
Blogger Guillaume said...

Super ce blog Max

Ici les fetes étaient sympa as usual. Juliette est de plus en plus enceinte.

Je te dis à bientôt

la bise à tous

4:39 PM  

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