Sweet Home Adams Morgan
And so it’s back to the sunny Caribbean after a great but freezing week in DC. I want to everyone for some great times last week and particularly Jill for hosting me.
Seeing as though it had been a long time since I was absent from the DC area for more than a few weeks at a time, coming back after a six-month absence felt like a bit of a homecoming. This time around, though it wasn’t the size of the automobiles (or the people, to be frank) that surprised me, but rather that white fluff falling from the sky. Snow in April! Fantabulous. Serves me right for complaining all winter long how I missed the change of seasons in Haiti. It turns out I don’t. Especially after spending 2 sleeveless hours at RFK watching DC United get pummeled by a team from that world center of soccer that is Kansas City. To be fair, I had enough $8 beers to forget about my surrounding and instead concentrate on not being this guy:

Seeing as though it had been a long time since I was absent from the DC area for more than a few weeks at a time, coming back after a six-month absence felt like a bit of a homecoming. This time around, though it wasn’t the size of the automobiles (or the people, to be frank) that surprised me, but rather that white fluff falling from the sky. Snow in April! Fantabulous. Serves me right for complaining all winter long how I missed the change of seasons in Haiti. It turns out I don’t. Especially after spending 2 sleeveless hours at RFK watching DC United get pummeled by a team from that world center of soccer that is Kansas City. To be fair, I had enough $8 beers to forget about my surrounding and instead concentrate on not being this guy:

Props to Terrence for following me to this debacle.
Other highlights from the week range from the wholesome (Easter weekend with my family in Charlottesville) to the urbane (Jill’s Sunday dinner party) to the bizarre (possibly getting hit on by the lead singer of Made Out of Babies):

As a matter of fact, I though that my whole just-came-from-a-failed-state vibe seemed to work pretty well on the ladies, though last year after several drinks I always thought that my I-sleep-in-a-bunkbed-in-a-studio-apartment-and-am-looking-for-a-job vibe was also irresistible.
DC remains a tough town to impress, though. For while my return from Port-au-Prince was deemed hot stuff in a Northern Virginia bar, the usual response at the Big Hunt and elsewhere in the city seemed to be “Oh that’s nice. I’m leaving for Somalia tomorrow. To save orphans from the slave trade. As an unpaid volunteer.” (Btw, best of luck in the Sudan, Allison!)

I wish I had more pictures to show and will post them if you send me some. Also thanks to all of you who gave me music – I’m loving the stuff – and to all of you who read this garbage. I had no idea I had such a loyal and distinguished readership – I’ll try to post more regularly.
Speaking of which, stay tuned for stories and pics from Guyana.
Max, my thoughts on Made Out of Babies are here:
J-5 before our arrival in DC and J-10 avant qu'on se voit à Miami
j'ai très très soif dude...
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