Max in Haiti

You want me to go where?

Wednesday, June 13, 2007

Off to the 'roo

Greetings and salutations,

I realize that it's been a while since I've written anything about Haiti. Well suck it up. I don't have much time for a long entry today, as I have to leave for the airport in less than an hour. So here are the basics: I'm fine, the weather's fine, the kidnappers are in hiding and the tap-taps are on strike. Also, a social life has improbably materialized, complete with friends, barbecues, happy hours, beach trips, debates with Canadian anarchists, performing arts events and, uh, more happy hours. So life is actually quite good here, particularly since the security situation has been improving dramatically and my work ethic hasn't.

That's about all for now. Enjoy the few pictures (I'm still having camera issues, so these come form my Azerbaijani buddy) and stay tuned as I plan on blogging from the wi-fi-enabled Bonnaroo festival.



p.s.: No caption contest this week due to abismal participation in the last one. However, can somebody please reassure me that the whitish mark on the top of my head in the pool pic is not a sign of an oncoming baldspot? Thanks.


Blogger lesvieux said...

C'est EVIDENT que la tonsure est un signe de calvitie precoce a moins que tu ne sois rentre clandestinement dans les ordres. L'un ou l'autre, tu choises

6:49 AM  

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