Parties in the PAP
This is going to be more of a pictorial again, as I very little interesting to say. Life goes on in Haiti, despite Jamie's departure for the DRC (she is the girl in whose honor this bash was thrown).
A lot of the locals and expats are on vacation at the moment, so things are fairly quiet here. As a matter of fact, I will be leaving tomorrow to spend the weekend in Miami. The good news for you DC folks is that you will have the pleasure of my company over Labor Day weekend and possibly for a few days afterwards. And I still haven't given up the idea of a big group trip to the DR, and indeed Columbus Day weekend is the new target.
At this point, as you have surely noticed, I am sort of running out of things to share on this blog, so let me know if there are topics you would like me to cover. Local culture? Music? Friends? The UN peacekeeping mission? I'll write about anything.
Vaya con dios, ya'll.